Well, I'm surprised to realize I haven't been blogging since March. We have had much happening in our lives and it just has not been conducive to blogging.
In one of my last posts I discussed my daughter, the oldest, being accepted at Interlochen for their Summer Performing Arts Camp in ballet. This is a big thrill for us, but also a big, no HUGE expense. We have been running fundraisers to get her there, it is the sort of opportunity that a kid who is accepted just ought not to miss. It could really launch her career because the ballet intensive should vastly improve her technique in a way she just could not improve locally without many more classes. I do not usually put up photos of myself or my children, but in this instance, I will make an exception. This is my oldest child, my daughter, at a dress rehearsal for her pointe solo this year. This picture was taken while she was dancing by a very talented tenth grade photographer from her dance team.
My oldest daughter is technically in eleventh grade this year, homeschooling, so college is on the horizon for her. But, when I asked her what she would like to do for her senior year, she said she would like to go to right into college. Being a homeschool student, she has the opportunity to take the GED exam and go this fall. She has been signed up to take the GED and hopefully we will be packing her off to Sarah Lawrence (her first choice school) this fall. She was late applying because we had not planned to go this route at all. She missed many deadlines, she had a list of schools that was very long. We ended up only being able to apply to three schools, one is the local community college. Please pray for her to do well on the exam, and for her to be able to attend Sarah Lawrence this fall.
In other news, my husband will be laid off from work in June. This was not a surprise, my husband has been seeking other employment for the last year and a half. We've not had any success. There are likely many reasons for this, not the least of which is my husband does not have a bachelor's degree. The good thing is with this layoff being due to his company sending the manufacturing process overseas, he will qualify for job retraining. The bad news is that this will force him into unemployment and us onto benefits and even then, we may struggle financially. This may have me going into the workforce as a full time employee; if he works he will lose all his benefits. We also have an opportunity to open a restaurant here in town, but in this economy that is a bit risky, so we are weighing our options, trying to figure out what is best for our family and our future.
With all of this, and more stress, I've been unable to eat! Food will not stay with me. I'm losing a lot of weight, which I needed to lose, but this is not a good way to go about losing it. If I cannot start keeping food down, I will need to go to the doctor.
All of my trials, though significant this year, are nothing compared to those of my friend and fellow blogger, Mary, who has been diagnosed with stage four cancer. Please pray for all of these intentions, and I will try to get back to some positive posting very soon.
God bless, you are all in my prayers.