Friday, February 25, 2011

FEARLESS FRIDAY: Prayers for Vocations

This week the world lost a great man, my uncle, Kevin. He was a Franciscan Friar, a very accomplished and most beloved man.  Here is his obituary.  This is the website for Graymoor.

Br. Kevin Goss, SA

Since cultivating vocations was part of his long list of accomplishments, I wish to pray for vocations today. 

Prayer for Vocations

Heavenly Father, bless your Church with an abundance of holy and zealous priests, deacons, brothers and sisters. Give those you have called to the married state and those you have chosen to live as single persons in the world, the special graces that their lives require. Form us all in the likeness of your Son so that in him, with him and through him we may love you more deeply and serve you more faithfully, always and everywhere. With Mary we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

~Vocations Committee, Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus

And I would also like to remember the sick and suffering today:
(In no particular order)
Suzanna, Mary, Debbie, Jacob, Jeanette, Jennifer, and all those suffering with the loss of a loved one, caregivers of the sick, and all those unmentioned here, but who it is in our hearts to pray for.

If you are sick, I ask you to consider this prayer, an offering of your sickness for vocations:

Dear Lord, here is a new day you have given me in which to love you and to help others to love you. Above all things, help me to love and accept your holy will. Lord Jesus, in giving me this cross of my illness, it was your desire to bring me nearer to you Divine Heart. I want to bring others also to know you better, to love you more, and for this I know that good and holy priests are necessary; so I will offer my cross, united with yours, for vocations to the holy priesthood. Amen.

Teach me, O Lord, to do your will, for you are my God. Keep me, Lord, as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings. O Lord, remember not against us the iniquities of the past; may your compassion quickly come to us. Amen.

And lastly, a prayer for those we love who are sick or suffering in any way today:

A Fervent Prayer For The Sick and Suffering

O Almighty Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior. The same Lord that so loves His children as to lay His life down for them. The same Lord that rose from the dead on the third day, and Ascended into Heaven. The same Lord that spoke the word and the Centurion’s Servant was immediately healed. The same Lord that restored sight to the blind; cleansed lepers, cured the halt and lame. The same Lord that with a word rebuked the seas and they were calm. The same Lord that raised Lazarus from the dead. The same Lord that has been given all power both in Heaven and on earth, do Thou, the same Lord visit and heal Thy servant, (__name__), from the afflictions that they are now suffering. Strengthen our faith like that of the Roman Centurion, so that we may ask for this healing with the same faith, trust, and hope that Thy servant, (__name__) will be healed in the same manner that the Centurion’s servant was restored to health. O Holy physician of our souls and bodies, hear this fervent prayer for Thy servant (__name__), and grant this request as we hold this, Thy servant up before Thy glorious Throne. We ask this in the victorious and Holy Name of our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ.

This post is linked to Fearless Friday.


Angela said...

I join in agreement with you dear sister. Thank you for sharing these powerful prayers...and also for the prayer of vocation.....It is so important for us to pray to God our Father concerning this...

Pia said...

thank you for sharing the prayer for the sick. i prayed that prayer and put the names of my mom and dad.

God bless you.

Carol@simple_catholic said...

My goodness, you uncle was so young! Praying for the repose of his soul and for comfort for all those grieving.

Thanks for for sharing these beautiful prayers.

gena said...

Amen, Amen, Amen..........


Jenny said...

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

May I offer you my belated condolences. A touching post, thank you for sharing these thoughts with us. Best wishes to you and yours, PW.

Lily said...

Thank you, everyone, for your kind thoughts and good wishes. I have been under the weather, and hope to get fixed up really soon. Thanks for thinking of me, and always for the prayers.