The election is over. It is what it is. There is so much to think about. So much to do. Yet, what is the right thing to do, now that it is what it is? I suppose there is still some hope that we will not suffer an abomination, albeit a very, very small hope. There is still a court order outstanding regarding Mr. Obama's birth certificate. I am watching with interest to see how this is handled, although I do not think for one moment it will have any effect the proceedings for Inauguration Day.
I, for one, need to put my family first, yet I want to mobilize to effect the mid-term election in some meaningful way, to try and offset the balance of power. But, as a home educating parent, I need to put the education of my children first and foremost. Additionally, we will likely be relocating before Christmas. There is all of that to deal with. What to do?
So, while I contemplate my immediate and long term actions and reactions, and while I plan a relocation, and we continue to pursue job opportunities for my husband, I will pray for our nation.
Prayer Request
While I am stressing about life, I have a friend who is in her third trimester, carrying a baby with such medical problems that it is not going to live long past birth, maybe not even survive beyond minutes. My friend has spent 8 days recently in the hospital because of her health problems related to the pregnancy. She has endured much pressure about aborting this baby of hers, a girl, who cannot survive. Yet the only life she can give this precious baby is the life she is supporting right now, inside her womb. This baby is created in the image and likeness of God, the most innocent of the innocent, and she is happy and alive right now. Please pray for my friend and her family.
Prayers for your friend. May the baby live to be baptized.
You do have much on your plate. Prayers for you and yours as well.
Have you considered that it was the Catholics that lost the election for McCain? With 54% of Catholics voting for Obama and the country 27% Catholic, if only 10% of all Catholics voted for him, and the remaining vote for McCain or 3rd party... then he would have lost the election.
The question thus remains, why did Catholics vote for Obama? Did they not understand his stand on moral issues? Are these fallen away Catholics? Or just confused with which documents are pertintent when selecting a candidate? It is obvious that their consciences are not formed as they should be. So, where did the church go wrong and how to fix it might be something to look at. Now might be a great time to ask for the Gregorian Rite in parishes, for teaching from the pulpit, and clarity from all priests and bishops. Hopefully the election will wake up and rattle a few bishops out there so that they begin to start over anf truly teach and lead.
This might also be a wonderful time to send miraculous medals and green scapulars to politicians and leaders, and encourage others to as well. Also could make a great teaching moment and example to share with fellow parishioners. This can be done where ever God plants you. And once you are settled in a new home or state, I believe you will find a voice no matter how small or loud in helping to offset that balance of power.
For now we should all consider praying to stop the FOCA Act, for the conversion of Obama, and focus on our children. We all need to look at the miracles around us and thank God for them, even in the darkness of today and days ahead. (I believe it one source of joy I am guilty of overlooking, maybe others too?)
God Bless,
Prayers all around Lily. I went through he same as your friend.
Many people do not understand that choice to carry a baby to term that will not live, but it is her choice. I hope she is getting strong moral support from her family to buttress the negativity of her doctors and nurses who I am guessing are the ones with the attitude.
I saw a Catholic funeral baby kit for small early stillborns on Catholic Mom in Minnesota's blog about a year or so ago. I think she may have used it with her stillborn. It would help with mourning.
For you my dear, (((((((((((((((HUGSS!!!))))))))))))
For the country, I am saying the St Michael the archangel prayer for the president going in and going out, for the senate and for the congress. It is the only hope/help.
If you read the textbook "Christ and the Americas", the section on the Great Inflation, The Great Depression and world war II, the correlation jumps out at you. WWIII is right around the corner, it seems. :(
Thank you for your comments and thoughts. They are very helpful and I like the idea of sending scapulars. I already wrote to my senators in NY, both of whom sponsored FOCA. I agree focusing on our children helps to ground us, and strengthen us. Today my little one told her brothers she would be able to outrun them because she was wearing her boots, which would make her so fast they could not beat her. My teen daughter and I laughed and I informed her, "Don't you know all little ones believe their running speed is contingent upon their footwear?" How can anyone doubt the joy children bring to our lives every day?
I'm sorry to hear you went through this as well. Thank you for the suggestion of a funeral baby kit. I remember seeing a pattern for a newborn funeral gown somewhere, I will look for it. Thank you for reminding me.
Thank you for your prayers. Praying to St. Michael is also an excellent idea. The prayer request is for our mutual friend, residing in IA. I'm not sure if you've heard from her, I spoke to her last night.
Thank you all, and God bless, you are all dear to me and help me in so many ways.
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