Friday, January 23, 2009

Obscure Music Friday

SONG: The Garden
WHY I LIKE IT: I like songs with interesting beats and sounds, the pacing of this one is so much fun. My 7 year old loves this song and runs around the house singing and dancing to it. We were introduced to this song by my-daughter-the-dancer (of course!) who will be dancing a modern number to it. Since I could find no video of this song, I put up a photograph of the singer, however, once we have a video of my daughter's dance team, maybe I will put that up instead :-) This is actually one of my favorite songs at the moment. I have all of my daughter's competition songs on my MP3 player so I can recognize the songs at competition, so I would expect to continue seeing her dance numbers show up on the blog on Fridays.

h/t to Digi

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