Monday, January 3, 2011


I have been an absentee blogger over the holidays, but now it is time to get back to routines and blogging and schoolwork.

We have a new addition to our family, Muffin. He is my daughter's cat. She moved over the holidays (The Oldest, who lives in NJ) from one apartment to another, and she cannot have her cat in the new place due to allergies. Therefore, her Muffin came home to live with us, and his Mommy cat and sister cat. It is not going terribly well, yet. It was not a spectacular family reunion, I guess cats are less sentimental than we humans are!

My sister gave birth to a baby boy between Christmas and New Year's Eve. He has been in NICU with a collapsed lung since he was a few hours old. Please pray for my new baby nephew.

We have had some lovely holiday celebrations since my last posting. We had a good friend in for Christmas dinner. Christmas brunch was with our family, and the grandparents stopped in to see the children. New Year's Eve had us with neighbors. My children all stayed overnight, and we had a great time with our dear friends.

Now I will be up cat-sitting a lonely little kitty who misses his mommy, my oldest daughter. I will be on the couch with the cat, so he does not have to be alone while he adjusts to our busy life. Going from living with the Oldest in her apartment, to living in a house with 7 people, 2 other cats and a dog is pretty traumatic. He is doing pretty well, but I do not want to leave him unattended for both his comfort and safety.

I have been reading some fabulous books, and am in the process of re-reading Austen (I love her!) so I hope to get back to the book blog posts soon.

Lastly, I just realized, as I sat to write this post, that I missed a deadline for CMO (Yikes!!) too much holiday time off, I suppose. So, as I toss and turn on the lumpy couch, I will be thinking of ideas to write and send off asap.


Sue Elvis said...

I am glad you are back, Lily. I am looking forward to reading your next CMO article. (I very much enjoyed the last one.)I hope an idea comes to you quickly!

Lily said...

Thank you, Sue! I do have a few ideas. I appreciate the support and encouragement, I have holiday cobwebs.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Congratulations on both the new additions to the family.

Lily said...

Thank you! Nice to see you here, thanks for stopping by :)

Mary Bennett said...

Congratulations on your sweet nephew, I hope he is able to come home soon!
And I hope Kitty adjusts soon. And the other kitties too!