This weekend was an exciting one around here. It was my daughter's 19th birthday, the fourth of July, and we had a barbeque. Between unemployment and my illness, we have not had much to celebrate, and we definitely have not had any parties the last few years. But, times are changing, things are looking better, and we decided to have a little party this weekend. In order to ready the house, I decided to make the curtains that have been wanting in the family room. I have a beautiful picture window out there, and there have been no curtains out there for way too long. I finally got around to it last Friday and Saturday.
Didn't they turn out cute?
I also decided to hang a few pictures. This one a good friend brought over. She found it at a sale and thought it would look good on the wall here, on the wall adjacent to the curtains. Sadly, the pictures are a little bit dark. I will try for better pictures in the afternoon.
I think she was right, it is a good size for that wall.
The rest of the hanging projects will have to wait for another posting. We have work to get done around here!
This posting is linked to Rednesday over at It's a Very Cherry World.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
It's Monday: What are you reading?
I received a Kindle for mother's day, and let me tell you...I LOVE IT...almost as much as I love my children! ;-)
During my illness I have been reading, especially since the Kindle arrived! I have a blog delivered with Kindle freebies listed, so I have been enjoying the freebies, but I also have been buying books which are too large to cart around, or books with teeny print, so I can read them easily.
This week I plan to read:
I have started this one, Madame Tussaud and it is marvelous. Highly recommended, even though I am only partway through. Whether or not it is accurate, I am not sure. But it is historical fiction, and so far is a very good read!
Last week I read:
I did something I rarely do, and read all three books in this series last week. They were very good! It is the story of a woman who is awarded $275 million in her divorce settlement. She believes that when you are given a lot much is expected from you. She seeks a way to make a positive impact on the world through her money, and boy does she find it. This is a heartwarming story of how one person can change the world, and how a community can come together for the greater good. If you want your heart lifted, try reading some Beverly Jenkins this week!
This post is linked to: It's Monday What are You Reading? A meme hosted by Sheila. Click on the button above to join!!
During my illness I have been reading, especially since the Kindle arrived! I have a blog delivered with Kindle freebies listed, so I have been enjoying the freebies, but I also have been buying books which are too large to cart around, or books with teeny print, so I can read them easily.
This week I plan to read:
I have started this one, Madame Tussaud and it is marvelous. Highly recommended, even though I am only partway through. Whether or not it is accurate, I am not sure. But it is historical fiction, and so far is a very good read!
I cannot wait to read this, from Elena Maria Vidal, Trianon, A Novel of Royal France.
I started this, it is an etiquette book for modern young ladies. Since I am raising four girls, one of whom is a college graduate now....
And, for one of the biggest Austen fans on the planet (moi) here is one I cannot wait to read. I requested the librarian to purchase this. It is a JFIC/YA biography that is written to interest young, modern readers in Austen's work.
I did something I rarely do, and read all three books in this series last week. They were very good! It is the story of a woman who is awarded $275 million in her divorce settlement. She believes that when you are given a lot much is expected from you. She seeks a way to make a positive impact on the world through her money, and boy does she find it. This is a heartwarming story of how one person can change the world, and how a community can come together for the greater good. If you want your heart lifted, try reading some Beverly Jenkins this week!
Here is an adorable book, and a great summer read for any fashionista in your life, age 9 -90, though it is a JFIC book. This is the story of a 14-year-old girl who is discovered by the fashion world accidentally. She creates a persona "Allegra Biscotti" to protect her identity and age because she believes that if the fashion editor found out how old she really is that her dream would vaporize before it even has the chance to get off the ground. This is a fun book and I will read the others!
This was a Kindle freebie, or I may never have read it. The Ex-Boyfriend's Handbook is quite funny, some parts had me laughing out loud, a bit sad, and a bit predictable, but it would be a fun book for the beach. It is unique because the story is told entirely from the male perspective. Women will be able to identify with the men in the story, they are all a bit sterotypical, but this is fun chick lit all the way.
This post is linked to: It's Monday What are You Reading? A meme hosted by Sheila. Click on the button above to join!!
Hello all! I am finally back to myself, or nearly so. Well enough to return to blogging, although I must admit that getting back to my life has been a bit overwhelming.
The pathology from my surgery revealed a cancer, but it was fully contained and is removed. Thanks be to God; He is so good!
Now that I am nearly back to full health I am trying to resume homeschooling as my children have had a long vacation due to my illness. I am also returning to blogging, reading (I was gifted a Kindle for Mothers Day!) and back to hitting my own schoolbooks. I have until August 18th to finish my coursework. I had to get an extension because my illness prevented my finishing on time.
This spring was busy, The Oldest graduated from college. She has an Associates Degree now, at merely 18 years of age. My Boo played baseball on an undefeated team, and they will be receiving their championship medals later today. My middle daughter has learned some wonderful skills while I've been ill, like knitting, and all of my children really helped out with cooking and cleaning so I could recover.
I am working on a new posting for CMO, one to run in July. I hope to post regularly, but the postings may not be very frequent until I am finished with my classes. It has been a long road for someone not accustomed to being sick, so I am glad to be on the upswing!
God bless, and thanks for hanging in there with me, and thank you for all of your prayers.
The pathology from my surgery revealed a cancer, but it was fully contained and is removed. Thanks be to God; He is so good!
Now that I am nearly back to full health I am trying to resume homeschooling as my children have had a long vacation due to my illness. I am also returning to blogging, reading (I was gifted a Kindle for Mothers Day!) and back to hitting my own schoolbooks. I have until August 18th to finish my coursework. I had to get an extension because my illness prevented my finishing on time.
This spring was busy, The Oldest graduated from college. She has an Associates Degree now, at merely 18 years of age. My Boo played baseball on an undefeated team, and they will be receiving their championship medals later today. My middle daughter has learned some wonderful skills while I've been ill, like knitting, and all of my children really helped out with cooking and cleaning so I could recover.
I am working on a new posting for CMO, one to run in July. I hope to post regularly, but the postings may not be very frequent until I am finished with my classes. It has been a long road for someone not accustomed to being sick, so I am glad to be on the upswing!
God bless, and thanks for hanging in there with me, and thank you for all of your prayers.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sorry to have had so few posts. I will be having surgery tomorrow, so I will not be writing again for a few more weeks. Thanks for hanging in there with me till I'm back on my feet. See you on the other side. God bless!
Friday, February 25, 2011
FEARLESS FRIDAY: Prayers for Vocations
This week the world lost a great man, my uncle, Kevin. He was a Franciscan Friar, a very accomplished and most beloved man. Here is his obituary. This is the website for Graymoor.
Br. Kevin Goss, SA
Since cultivating vocations was part of his long list of accomplishments, I wish to pray for vocations today.
Prayer for Vocations
Heavenly Father, bless your Church with an abundance of holy and zealous priests, deacons, brothers and sisters. Give those you have called to the married state and those you have chosen to live as single persons in the world, the special graces that their lives require. Form us all in the likeness of your Son so that in him, with him and through him we may love you more deeply and serve you more faithfully, always and everywhere. With Mary we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
~Vocations Committee, Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus
And I would also like to remember the sick and suffering today:
(In no particular order)
Suzanna, Mary, Debbie, Jacob, Jeanette, Jennifer, and all those suffering with the loss of a loved one, caregivers of the sick, and all those unmentioned here, but who it is in our hearts to pray for.
If you are sick, I ask you to consider this prayer, an offering of your sickness for vocations:
Dear Lord, here is a new day you have given me in which to love you and to help others to love you. Above all things, help me to love and accept your holy will. Lord Jesus, in giving me this cross of my illness, it was your desire to bring me nearer to you Divine Heart. I want to bring others also to know you better, to love you more, and for this I know that good and holy priests are necessary; so I will offer my cross, united with yours, for vocations to the holy priesthood. Amen.
Teach me, O Lord, to do your will, for you are my God. Keep me, Lord, as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings. O Lord, remember not against us the iniquities of the past; may your compassion quickly come to us. Amen.
And lastly, a prayer for those we love who are sick or suffering in any way today:
A Fervent Prayer For The Sick and Suffering
O Almighty Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior. The same Lord that so loves His children as to lay His life down for them. The same Lord that rose from the dead on the third day, and Ascended into Heaven. The same Lord that spoke the word and the Centurion’s Servant was immediately healed. The same Lord that restored sight to the blind; cleansed lepers, cured the halt and lame. The same Lord that with a word rebuked the seas and they were calm. The same Lord that raised Lazarus from the dead. The same Lord that has been given all power both in Heaven and on earth, do Thou, the same Lord visit and heal Thy servant, (__name__), from the afflictions that they are now suffering. Strengthen our faith like that of the Roman Centurion, so that we may ask for this healing with the same faith, trust, and hope that Thy servant, (__name__) will be healed in the same manner that the Centurion’s servant was restored to health. O Holy physician of our souls and bodies, hear this fervent prayer for Thy servant (__name__), and grant this request as we hold this, Thy servant up before Thy glorious Throne. We ask this in the victorious and Holy Name of our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
This post is linked to Fearless Friday.
Br. Kevin Goss, SA
Since cultivating vocations was part of his long list of accomplishments, I wish to pray for vocations today.
Prayer for Vocations
Heavenly Father, bless your Church with an abundance of holy and zealous priests, deacons, brothers and sisters. Give those you have called to the married state and those you have chosen to live as single persons in the world, the special graces that their lives require. Form us all in the likeness of your Son so that in him, with him and through him we may love you more deeply and serve you more faithfully, always and everywhere. With Mary we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
~Vocations Committee, Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus
And I would also like to remember the sick and suffering today:
(In no particular order)
Suzanna, Mary, Debbie, Jacob, Jeanette, Jennifer, and all those suffering with the loss of a loved one, caregivers of the sick, and all those unmentioned here, but who it is in our hearts to pray for.
If you are sick, I ask you to consider this prayer, an offering of your sickness for vocations:
Dear Lord, here is a new day you have given me in which to love you and to help others to love you. Above all things, help me to love and accept your holy will. Lord Jesus, in giving me this cross of my illness, it was your desire to bring me nearer to you Divine Heart. I want to bring others also to know you better, to love you more, and for this I know that good and holy priests are necessary; so I will offer my cross, united with yours, for vocations to the holy priesthood. Amen.
Teach me, O Lord, to do your will, for you are my God. Keep me, Lord, as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings. O Lord, remember not against us the iniquities of the past; may your compassion quickly come to us. Amen.
And lastly, a prayer for those we love who are sick or suffering in any way today:
A Fervent Prayer For The Sick and Suffering
O Almighty Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior. The same Lord that so loves His children as to lay His life down for them. The same Lord that rose from the dead on the third day, and Ascended into Heaven. The same Lord that spoke the word and the Centurion’s Servant was immediately healed. The same Lord that restored sight to the blind; cleansed lepers, cured the halt and lame. The same Lord that with a word rebuked the seas and they were calm. The same Lord that raised Lazarus from the dead. The same Lord that has been given all power both in Heaven and on earth, do Thou, the same Lord visit and heal Thy servant, (__name__), from the afflictions that they are now suffering. Strengthen our faith like that of the Roman Centurion, so that we may ask for this healing with the same faith, trust, and hope that Thy servant, (__name__) will be healed in the same manner that the Centurion’s servant was restored to health. O Holy physician of our souls and bodies, hear this fervent prayer for Thy servant (__name__), and grant this request as we hold this, Thy servant up before Thy glorious Throne. We ask this in the victorious and Holy Name of our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ.
This post is linked to Fearless Friday.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I have been rather ill lately. Lots of medical issues to attend to, multiple doctor's appointments, new medications sending me into a bit of a tailspin. I am holding my own and I am on my way to feeling better. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but either way I'm sure I am on the right track!
Thankfully, I had submitted this article to CMO a while back! Hop on over and check it out, and leave me some comments...I love comments! The article is called A New Attitude and it is about my own struggles to learn my lessons in this life. I hope you enjoy it.
And lastly, though it is not yet Fearless Friday, I will give you a preview of one of my intentions: Yesterday the world lost a great man, a Franciscan Friar, and someone very dear to my heart. Please remember in your prayers Brother Kevin Goss, S.A. I love you, Uncle Kevin, and I miss you already.
Thankfully, I had submitted this article to CMO a while back! Hop on over and check it out, and leave me some comments...I love comments! The article is called A New Attitude and it is about my own struggles to learn my lessons in this life. I hope you enjoy it.
And lastly, though it is not yet Fearless Friday, I will give you a preview of one of my intentions: Yesterday the world lost a great man, a Franciscan Friar, and someone very dear to my heart. Please remember in your prayers Brother Kevin Goss, S.A. I love you, Uncle Kevin, and I miss you already.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Indigo Impression: Lookbooks and FashionIndie Event
Indigo Impression: Lookbooks and FashionIndie Event
Check out this sweetheart, and go vote for her so she can win her gift card! :) She's a real cutie patootie!
Check out this sweetheart, and go vote for her so she can win her gift card! :) She's a real cutie patootie!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A story of a mother's love...sort of!
A friend of mine, on FB, reminded me today about this great story, which has been made into a picture book.
This is a great book about love. When an infant hippo was abandoned, the tortoise took care of him. It is just the sweetest story ever, even more intriguing because it is true. Click on the book cover, it is a link to the Amazon page, and you can look inside to see a little of their story.
This is a great book about love. When an infant hippo was abandoned, the tortoise took care of him. It is just the sweetest story ever, even more intriguing because it is true. Click on the book cover, it is a link to the Amazon page, and you can look inside to see a little of their story.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Well! Imagine my surprise when I looked at my blog this evening and found some *ahem* rather questionable ads floating around my page! YIKES! I am sorry if any of these ads were offensive to anyone, I think I have fixed the problem, now for it to kick in.
I had decided to give adsense a try. I'm not ready to write it off yet, because I want to give it a fair try, but I WILL NOT have objectionable/questionable ads running. I had no idea they were. If it is not easily fixed (I think I've done it) the adsense will go away.
Again, I apologize and I hope that you will not have any surprises when you check in :/. I wish someone had told me!!!
I had decided to give adsense a try. I'm not ready to write it off yet, because I want to give it a fair try, but I WILL NOT have objectionable/questionable ads running. I had no idea they were. If it is not easily fixed (I think I've done it) the adsense will go away.
Again, I apologize and I hope that you will not have any surprises when you check in :/. I wish someone had told me!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
SUPER DEAL Today and Tomorrow only!!
In today's world we are all so busy, yet we need to eat! Makes me think of Twilight and how inconvenient it always was for Bella to have to eat on her and Edward's adventures ;-). I am constantly trying to make menu planning easier. When I did this regularly, years ago, we saved a lot of money, and we ate much better than we do today. Now that my husband is working, I am planning to get back into the menu planning. It works better with a budget, but it is soooo time consuming.
There is a service out there, Menu Planning Central, that I have just signed up for on the recommendation of a friend. Go check it out, today and tomorrow is their once-a-year sale. If you think you could benefit from this service, this will be your best savings. Watch their video, on the link I provided, to see their service explained.
With Menu Planning Central they offer menus with recipes and shopping lists. You can plan out your menus up to 30 days in advance, or on a day to day basis. I have been searching for my old menu planning forms I used to photocopy, now I can just do it all at my computer. There are features to customize for food preferences or food allergies. I'm really very excited!!
I noticed that you could try her service for 14 days (after choosing a package) and if you are dissatisfied she will refund your money, in full, within that first two-week period.
Also of interest is the fact that you can try the service for 30 days and then transfer over to the one-time payment instead of the monthly fee. I know if I like this as much as I expect to, I will transfer over when my tax refund comes along. This is a really great time of the year to take advantage of this service.
Incidentally, I was not paid and I was not asked to mention this. I was just excited about the service and the savings and wanted to pass it on to you! <3
There is a service out there, Menu Planning Central, that I have just signed up for on the recommendation of a friend. Go check it out, today and tomorrow is their once-a-year sale. If you think you could benefit from this service, this will be your best savings. Watch their video, on the link I provided, to see their service explained.
With Menu Planning Central they offer menus with recipes and shopping lists. You can plan out your menus up to 30 days in advance, or on a day to day basis. I have been searching for my old menu planning forms I used to photocopy, now I can just do it all at my computer. There are features to customize for food preferences or food allergies. I'm really very excited!!
I noticed that you could try her service for 14 days (after choosing a package) and if you are dissatisfied she will refund your money, in full, within that first two-week period.
Also of interest is the fact that you can try the service for 30 days and then transfer over to the one-time payment instead of the monthly fee. I know if I like this as much as I expect to, I will transfer over when my tax refund comes along. This is a really great time of the year to take advantage of this service.
Incidentally, I was not paid and I was not asked to mention this. I was just excited about the service and the savings and wanted to pass it on to you! <3
Saturday, January 29, 2011
A Book Review: The Great Divorce, by Ilyon Woo
I could not put it down.
This book blew me away.

/ˈfem.ɪ.nɪ.zəm/ n [U]
I never understood feminism. It is odd, I know, for a woman of my age who was born in the 1960s, to say this. I was spoon-fed the doctrines of feminism. But I never understood it. Until I read Shirley, written by Charlotte Bronte, you could say I had missed the point of the feminist movement. (If you have not read that book, you well should, especially if you are a feminist.) And now, The Great Divorce, by Ilyon Woo, has been added to the list of must-reads for all young women.
Today women have equal footing under the law. It was not so in the 1800s. At that time, women and children were considered property (yes, property!) of the head of the household. When a woman married she was considered to be "civilly dead," or essentially, her rights as an individual ceased to exist under the law. This meant her earning potential was minimal, her credit and reputation was dependent upon her husband's support, and she could only regain her civil status in three ways. The first, and most usual, was through the death of her husband. The second, and likely the second most common way, was if her husband was jailed. And lastly, in a very rare occurrence, if the wife was granted a divorce. This was extremely rare, and in New York State, where our story unfolds, the only grounds was for adultery. There was a partial divorce (divorce of bed and board) which could be awarded in certain circumstances, but that was also rare, and did not restore a woman to her full status in the eyes of the law.
This is a 416-page book, released in August 2010, by Atlantic Monthly Press. It is a non-fiction work.
This post will be linked to Book Blogger Hop and It is Monday, What Are You Reading.

This book blew me away.
feminism noun


the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state.
I never understood feminism. It is odd, I know, for a woman of my age who was born in the 1960s, to say this. I was spoon-fed the doctrines of feminism. But I never understood it. Until I read Shirley, written by Charlotte Bronte, you could say I had missed the point of the feminist movement. (If you have not read that book, you well should, especially if you are a feminist.) And now, The Great Divorce, by Ilyon Woo, has been added to the list of must-reads for all young women.
Today women have equal footing under the law. It was not so in the 1800s. At that time, women and children were considered property (yes, property!) of the head of the household. When a woman married she was considered to be "civilly dead," or essentially, her rights as an individual ceased to exist under the law. This meant her earning potential was minimal, her credit and reputation was dependent upon her husband's support, and she could only regain her civil status in three ways. The first, and most usual, was through the death of her husband. The second, and likely the second most common way, was if her husband was jailed. And lastly, in a very rare occurrence, if the wife was granted a divorce. This was extremely rare, and in New York State, where our story unfolds, the only grounds was for adultery. There was a partial divorce (divorce of bed and board) which could be awarded in certain circumstances, but that was also rare, and did not restore a woman to her full status in the eyes of the law.
The Great Divorce tells the story of a woman, Eunice Chapman, who in the early 1800s took on New York State, her husband, and the Shaker Community to gain custody of her three children. It is a true story, and it was pieced together by Ilyon Woo through extensive research. Woo delved into newspaper articles, personal diaries, Shaker records, and some Legislative papers from NYS government, but most had been lost in a fire.
Eunice Chapman had married her husband, James, when both were older than average for the times. She was 26 and he was 41 years old. He was a widower with a child, she was a beautiful, petite woman on the verge of spinsterhood, and her family was in a financial crisis. It was not a marriage made in heaven. They had three children in five years, but James liked to drink. As their homelife deteriorated, James was more and more in the taverns, and eventually left Eunice outright. Because he abandoned her, she had no legal recourse (it was not grounds for divorce) and she ended up losing everything. The book describes how she survived a winter with barely enough food for her children and no fuel with which to keep them warm. She was an outcast in her church because abandoned women "must have done something to deserve it" and the book describes the circumstances Eunice and her children lived in after James left.
While he was gone, James found the Shakers. The Shaker Community was known for taking in anyone who needed shelter, and by anyone's standards, they offered a great arrangement. If you wanted to become a Believer, you would renounce your worldly possessions, make a confession to the elders, and commit to their lifestyle, then you could live among the Shakers as part of their community. They worked hard, held themselves to extremely high standards, were perfectionists of sorts, and they were celibate. If you could live with their rules and their schedules you were provided with very nice accommodations, an excellent and regular diet of high protein meals and delicious foods, and warm clothing. You did not earn an income in dollars and cents, but you would want for nothing at all. James wanted to join.
Because James was married, the Shakers required him to take care of his wife and children before he could join. The Shakers wanted James to bring his wife and children back, to become Believers. Short of that, he would have to provide for them. If he could not do this, they would not accept him. Well, that was in theory. In practicality, he was a strong man who could work hard, and he was needed. Therefore, when Eunice could not buy into the Shaker philosophy of religion, the community allowed her to take her children and go. But, without a divorce she was not free, and she kept going to see James, and ask him for financial support. Eventually, James and a Shaker Brother, kidnapped the three children and left Eunice to her own devices.
This book recounts the true story of a diminutive woman who took on the world to recover her children when she had no legal rights, and women who were in her situation were, more often than not, seen as crazed, wild women who deserved the circumstances they found themselves in. It is a page-turner that someone should make into a movie, it is so very shocking.
Woo does an excellent job at telling all sides of the story. She pieces together the story of James and what led him to the Shakers. She tells of the Shakers, their lifestyle, their thought processes, and how they waged their side of the battle. Woo goes into the heart of a mother, and describes the lengths that Eunice went to, and the suffering she endured in her fight to regain custody. I read the 416 pages, barely taking time to sleep, ignoring all responsibilities, to read Eunice's story. I could not put it down. All sides were clever in their actions, Eunice was cunning. We often wonder what we can endure, how we could overcome in the face of great adversity. Woo shows us what one woman can do. And, throughout the entire book, you just are not sure how it will all resolve. The story is told in a very readable style, logically laid out, background is filled in just where it needs to be, and the characters are fully developed. No small task when everyone died in the 1800s.
I am not a feminist, I do not believe in divorce, this book should have no interest for me. I read it on the recommendation of one of my library patrons. This book moved me, it is on my short list of favorite books. I will recommend this book to everyone. It is just that good. My question is what will Ilyon Woo follow this book up with? I cannot wait to see what is next!
This post will be linked to Book Blogger Hop and It is Monday, What Are You Reading.

Thursday, January 27, 2011
It's here, it's here!
and I cannot wait to read it. I've waited for months for this to come to the library. I hope it is as good as I expected!!
The Great Divorce by Ilyon Woo. Stay tuned for my review.
Meanwhile, here is a link to her blog and a little teaser about the book.
The Great Divorce by Ilyon Woo. Stay tuned for my review.
Meanwhile, here is a link to her blog and a little teaser about the book.
Monday, January 24, 2011
News from the Vatican today.
It seems like there was quite a lot coming out of the Vatican today that interested me!
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Men and women have a natural right to marry, but that does not mean they have a right to a Catholic wedding, Pope Benedict XVI said.
Read more here.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI invited Christians to join online social networks in order to spread the Gospel through digital media and discover "an entirely new world of potential friendships."
Read more here.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Men and women have a natural right to marry, but that does not mean they have a right to a Catholic wedding, Pope Benedict XVI said.
Read more here.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI invited Christians to join online social networks in order to spread the Gospel through digital media and discover "an entirely new world of potential friendships."
Read more here.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Fearless Friday: Friendship
Today, I would like to pray for friends. Friends and friendship make life sweeter. I have a bunch of wonderful friends, internet friends, real-life friends, people who help brighten my days. I would like to remember all of my friends in prayer today whether sick or healthy, whether friend or acquaintance, whether real-life or internet, I will be praying for all of you today.
A Wish for a Friend
Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!
An Irish Prayer
May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.
May God bless all of you, and in a special way I wish to recall Sweet Mary and Debbie to mind today. They are both struggling with cancer, and need extra prayers of love, support and strength today and in the coming weeks.
This post is linked to Free Spirit Haven.
A Wish for a Friend
Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!
An Irish Prayer
May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.
May God bless all of you, and in a special way I wish to recall Sweet Mary and Debbie to mind today. They are both struggling with cancer, and need extra prayers of love, support and strength today and in the coming weeks.
This post is linked to Free Spirit Haven.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Story of A Cat
Note: Read through to the end for the link to a giveaway on another blog!! Very pretty things!!
Please allow me to introduce Muffin, the cat I mentioned a few posts ago. He is the boy who lived with The Oldest in her apartment when she left for college until recently when she moved to a new place where she could not have cats. Since we still have his mother, a sister from his litter, and he was raised here, it only made sense to take him back. Our girls are now fixed, but Muffin is not. If you know anything about boy cats, you know, we must confine him to one room, and use due diligence in cleaning up after him, until he is fixed. That is high on our priority list, but we need a little cashflow first!
Here is the Muffin-man, sleeping peacefully in my chair. Why is he so peaceful? Because he kept me up ALL night!
During the day, I concocted an evil plan to exact revenge on Muffin, who was sleeping so peacefully while I was awake!! I decided to put on his red harness and .....
...throw him in a snowbank!! Instead he ran under the bush, and met with...THE DOG!! Our dog, Sabrina, is very sweet, and very interested in the "new" cat! Muff was not thrilled!
And, lastly, here is the Muffin Man, perfectly contrite, making nice with Mommy by sitting on my lap in my recliner, with my red blanket. He seems to have learned his place. Unless he is just trying to give me a false sense of security and he is only allowing me to think I am in charge for the time being. To be continued...
This post is linked to Rednesday over at It's a Very Cherry World.
And check out this giveaway I found on Rednesday, very pretty things!
Please allow me to introduce Muffin, the cat I mentioned a few posts ago. He is the boy who lived with The Oldest in her apartment when she left for college until recently when she moved to a new place where she could not have cats. Since we still have his mother, a sister from his litter, and he was raised here, it only made sense to take him back. Our girls are now fixed, but Muffin is not. If you know anything about boy cats, you know, we must confine him to one room, and use due diligence in cleaning up after him, until he is fixed. That is high on our priority list, but we need a little cashflow first!
Here is the Muffin-man, sleeping peacefully in my chair. Why is he so peaceful? Because he kept me up ALL night!
During the day, I concocted an evil plan to exact revenge on Muffin, who was sleeping so peacefully while I was awake!! I decided to put on his red harness and .....
...throw him in a snowbank!! Instead he ran under the bush, and met with...THE DOG!! Our dog, Sabrina, is very sweet, and very interested in the "new" cat! Muff was not thrilled!
And, lastly, here is the Muffin Man, perfectly contrite, making nice with Mommy by sitting on my lap in my recliner, with my red blanket. He seems to have learned his place. Unless he is just trying to give me a false sense of security and he is only allowing me to think I am in charge for the time being. To be continued...
This post is linked to Rednesday over at It's a Very Cherry World.
And check out this giveaway I found on Rednesday, very pretty things!
Baby it is cold outside (and inside too!)
Sad, but true. Here I am at my computer, studying. Do you like my ergonomic keyboard? I LOVE IT! And, that is my down lap blanket under the keyboard. If you recall, I work on a laptop, but use my wonderful keyboard instead of the laptop keys. Lately I have taken to working in the recliner, but the newest addition to my computer set up is the GLOVES. Yes, that is right, I'm typing with gloves on because it is sooo cold in my house! Cold and drafty! I guess it is one of those things that makes living in a house built during George Washington's lifetime rather interesting. I never thougtht I could type with gloves on, but I have a pair of the kid's stretchy gloves on, and they fit, well they fit like a glove! I definitely type faster, and with greater accuracy without the gloves, but this is fine for the moment! Off to bed now, with hat, neckwarmer, and socks on. I will be leaving the gloves next to the computer for the night. Stay warm!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A Teaser: Excitement at NFW
I'm still working pretty hard on my classes, after taking too long of a hiatus for the holidays. So, now that I'm back to my classes, I will be working more on my blog too. They seem to go hand in hand, when I need a break from studying I blog. It is all done at the computer.
I have some exciting things planned for the New Year at Never Fading Wood. I added some advertising because I wanted to see how it all works. We will see if I keep it or not. I am not entirely sold on the idea, but thought I would give it a try.
I am working on some layout changes, I am planning some new features on my blog, and I have a surprise on the horizon as well. But, no, if I told you now then I would have to change the title of my post from "A Teaser" to "The Reveal" and I'm not ready to do that yet!
Check it out!
Look at the top of my blog! I figured out (finally!) how to add pages! If you are interested too, then visit my new tab Blogger Tips for the video that showed me how to do it.
Also, you will notice, there is a new tab for Project 2011: Cut the Crap! If you would like to follow along, or join in, you will see that I have a tab for my list of things we are getting rid of. I do hope you join me!
Also, you will notice, there is a new tab for Project 2011: Cut the Crap! If you would like to follow along, or join in, you will see that I have a tab for my list of things we are getting rid of. I do hope you join me!
Monday, January 17, 2011
New Year's Resolution: Project 2011
I do not generally make New Year's resolutions. But this year I've made a promise to myself. I am resolving to "cut the crap" out of my life, both literally and figuratively. The literal will be far easier. Therefore, on my blog this year you can expect to see posts called, "Project 2011" which will be updates on my progress.
When we moved into this house years ago, we were in the process of starting a used book business. We have well over 10,000 books crammed into our garage and our barn. We have about 2000 listed, though I think our data was lost in a computer crash. :/. I either need to get this family project back up and running, or get rid of the books and enjoy the spaces.
We also have been homeschooling for 14 years. One accumulates a lot of junk that way too. Books, papers, records, more books, more papers, curriculum catalogs, etc. Time to pare back and weed out my collection.
My personal book collection probably numbers close to 1000 volumes. Time to reduce that number as well.
Are you noticing a theme here? Books, books, books and more books.
But, aside from books I have the junk of six children, and a packrat husband. There is stuff everywhere in this house. My goal this year is to rid my life of all the excess stuff and clutter. It is time. My husband tells me he is on board with these efforts. We will see.
Meanwhile, yesterday I started tackling my bedroom. It is the catch-all for everything in the house that has no other home. My children will put the clothes they've outgrown in my room. My husband stashes every new book he buys in our room. Gifts are stored in my room. It is more of a processing center than a place to rest. I have a beautiful room (needs cosmetics like painting) but it is beautifully lit, a comfortable size, and a place I enjoy being in when it is neat. It just is not neat these days. I will post pictures when it is done, if I ever find the camera wire. My bedroom and the kitchen are the first two places on my hit list this year.
The kitchen really needs a total overhaul. The sink, the cabinets, the floor, they all need relacing and updating. The walls and ceiling need painting. The counter-tops need to be replaced after a small kitchen fire (oven mitt too close to the gas stove, doh!). I do not think I will have the money this year to take this on, but reorganizing and maybe a little paint can be accomplished this summer. We will see what the budget allows for.
Figuratively, there are things I just need to let go. Things that weigh down my heart and hold me back. It is time to move on. I think this resolution is too important to go by the wayside.
So, what books will I be reading to help me with this project?
How about starting here for ideas:
Anyone want to join me?
When we moved into this house years ago, we were in the process of starting a used book business. We have well over 10,000 books crammed into our garage and our barn. We have about 2000 listed, though I think our data was lost in a computer crash. :/. I either need to get this family project back up and running, or get rid of the books and enjoy the spaces.
We also have been homeschooling for 14 years. One accumulates a lot of junk that way too. Books, papers, records, more books, more papers, curriculum catalogs, etc. Time to pare back and weed out my collection.
My personal book collection probably numbers close to 1000 volumes. Time to reduce that number as well.
Are you noticing a theme here? Books, books, books and more books.
But, aside from books I have the junk of six children, and a packrat husband. There is stuff everywhere in this house. My goal this year is to rid my life of all the excess stuff and clutter. It is time. My husband tells me he is on board with these efforts. We will see.
Meanwhile, yesterday I started tackling my bedroom. It is the catch-all for everything in the house that has no other home. My children will put the clothes they've outgrown in my room. My husband stashes every new book he buys in our room. Gifts are stored in my room. It is more of a processing center than a place to rest. I have a beautiful room (needs cosmetics like painting) but it is beautifully lit, a comfortable size, and a place I enjoy being in when it is neat. It just is not neat these days. I will post pictures when it is done, if I ever find the camera wire. My bedroom and the kitchen are the first two places on my hit list this year.
The kitchen really needs a total overhaul. The sink, the cabinets, the floor, they all need relacing and updating. The walls and ceiling need painting. The counter-tops need to be replaced after a small kitchen fire (oven mitt too close to the gas stove, doh!). I do not think I will have the money this year to take this on, but reorganizing and maybe a little paint can be accomplished this summer. We will see what the budget allows for.
Figuratively, there are things I just need to let go. Things that weigh down my heart and hold me back. It is time to move on. I think this resolution is too important to go by the wayside.
So, what books will I be reading to help me with this project?
How about starting here for ideas:
Anyone want to join me?
Friday, January 14, 2011
Fearless Friday: Picture Perfect Edition
These are babies, children, and special folks who need prayers this week. I do not name names on my blog very often, so there are no names, God knows who we are praying for. The stories are listed below in no particular order.








The faceless pictures, swiped from facebook, represent all those who's pictures I did not have or could not get to upload, as well as you, and all of your prayer intentions. The front door of the house represents prayers for all of the occupants of this particular house pictured, as well as occupants of all of our homes. Pictured here are cancer patients, people suffering with difficult illnesses, preterm babies, children with illness, and one of these children is living in a family fighting to keep this child in their home. This child has been with them since birth, the family has already adopted all of this child's siblings. And now someone is trying to take the child before the adoption is finalized. It is ripping a child away from the only family, home, parents, etc that this child has ever known.

The faceless pictures, swiped from facebook, represent all those who's pictures I did not have or could not get to upload, as well as you, and all of your prayer intentions. The front door of the house represents prayers for all of the occupants of this particular house pictured, as well as occupants of all of our homes. Pictured here are cancer patients, people suffering with difficult illnesses, preterm babies, children with illness, and one of these children is living in a family fighting to keep this child in their home. This child has been with them since birth, the family has already adopted all of this child's siblings. And now someone is trying to take the child before the adoption is finalized. It is ripping a child away from the only family, home, parents, etc that this child has ever known.
Saint Michael the Archangel,defend us in battle.Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -by the Divine Power of God -cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
So, despite not having names please pray for all of the intentions pictured here, as well as any in your heart. As always I am praying for you. God bless.
This post is linked to Angie over at Free Spirit Haven.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Christmas Decorations Coming Down
Today we are taking down the Christmas decorations. Since we have lost our camera wire, I cannot upload any pictures, but I am very ready to be back to normal.
We had a lovely Advent and Christmas season with celebrations and family fun, but I suppose it is time to get back into the swing. We have had years where we have left the tree up until February 2nd, but most years I cannot last that long. We usually wait until after the Epiphany to take down the trimmings.
This year we had our first big Ephiphany celebration. We had The Oldest come, along with her Futbolista and we had a fish and seafood dinner Wednesday night. It was his birthday in December and we had not seen him for it yet, so we had a birthday party for him after dinner. Then Thursday we had Ephiphany gifts, 3 for everyone, except the Futbolista. He had a few extras because he wasn't here on Christmas morning.
We had a delicious brunch with baked eggs and French toast and then we settled into relaxing! For dinner we had some neighbors come over, and we had roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, rutabaga, green beans, etc. Oh and coffee, lots and lots of coffee!
Heading backwards into the New Year we spent New Year's Eve with some neighbors. They spoiled us rotten with great food, friendship, and fabulous fun. We are blessed to have some really awesome people in our lives.
And, an update on our new cat. Muffin is settling in, the other cats are accepting him now. I almost think they are remembering each other. We often see them all snuggled up in a kitty-cat pile. It is not perfectly comfortable yet, we still have moments where they eye each other with suspicion, but they seem to be realizing they all have to live here together.
My baby nephew is home, and settling into his family now. His first night home was last night, so I am waiting to hear from my sister how they made out. Thank you for your prayers for my tiniest nephew. The pneumothorax had everyone a little stressed, but he is breathing and eating like a champ now. God is so good!
We had a lovely Advent and Christmas season with celebrations and family fun, but I suppose it is time to get back into the swing. We have had years where we have left the tree up until February 2nd, but most years I cannot last that long. We usually wait until after the Epiphany to take down the trimmings.
This year we had our first big Ephiphany celebration. We had The Oldest come, along with her Futbolista and we had a fish and seafood dinner Wednesday night. It was his birthday in December and we had not seen him for it yet, so we had a birthday party for him after dinner. Then Thursday we had Ephiphany gifts, 3 for everyone, except the Futbolista. He had a few extras because he wasn't here on Christmas morning.
We had a delicious brunch with baked eggs and French toast and then we settled into relaxing! For dinner we had some neighbors come over, and we had roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, rutabaga, green beans, etc. Oh and coffee, lots and lots of coffee!
Heading backwards into the New Year we spent New Year's Eve with some neighbors. They spoiled us rotten with great food, friendship, and fabulous fun. We are blessed to have some really awesome people in our lives.
And, an update on our new cat. Muffin is settling in, the other cats are accepting him now. I almost think they are remembering each other. We often see them all snuggled up in a kitty-cat pile. It is not perfectly comfortable yet, we still have moments where they eye each other with suspicion, but they seem to be realizing they all have to live here together.
My baby nephew is home, and settling into his family now. His first night home was last night, so I am waiting to hear from my sister how they made out. Thank you for your prayers for my tiniest nephew. The pneumothorax had everyone a little stressed, but he is breathing and eating like a champ now. God is so good!
Hope and Change
This seemed a good follow-up to my previous post, and something I haven't done in a while. I would like to highlight a blog today, one I just found this morning.
What happened in AZ yesterday saddens me. We do not shoot people, we do not shoot our public servants because of differences in opinion, lifestyle, appearance, or religion. Sometimes the laws need to be tougher, punishments more severe for crimes committed, crimes like what we saw yesterday. This post summarizes perfectly how I feel.
This blog is called Hope and Change Cartoons, and I hope you will stop by and look at their cartoon today.
What happened in AZ yesterday saddens me. We do not shoot people, we do not shoot our public servants because of differences in opinion, lifestyle, appearance, or religion. Sometimes the laws need to be tougher, punishments more severe for crimes committed, crimes like what we saw yesterday. This post summarizes perfectly how I feel.
This blog is called Hope and Change Cartoons, and I hope you will stop by and look at their cartoon today.
Monday, January 3, 2011
I have been an absentee blogger over the holidays, but now it is time to get back to routines and blogging and schoolwork.
We have a new addition to our family, Muffin. He is my daughter's cat. She moved over the holidays (The Oldest, who lives in NJ) from one apartment to another, and she cannot have her cat in the new place due to allergies. Therefore, her Muffin came home to live with us, and his Mommy cat and sister cat. It is not going terribly well, yet. It was not a spectacular family reunion, I guess cats are less sentimental than we humans are!
My sister gave birth to a baby boy between Christmas and New Year's Eve. He has been in NICU with a collapsed lung since he was a few hours old. Please pray for my new baby nephew.
We have had some lovely holiday celebrations since my last posting. We had a good friend in for Christmas dinner. Christmas brunch was with our family, and the grandparents stopped in to see the children. New Year's Eve had us with neighbors. My children all stayed overnight, and we had a great time with our dear friends.
Now I will be up cat-sitting a lonely little kitty who misses his mommy, my oldest daughter. I will be on the couch with the cat, so he does not have to be alone while he adjusts to our busy life. Going from living with the Oldest in her apartment, to living in a house with 7 people, 2 other cats and a dog is pretty traumatic. He is doing pretty well, but I do not want to leave him unattended for both his comfort and safety.
I have been reading some fabulous books, and am in the process of re-reading Austen (I love her!) so I hope to get back to the book blog posts soon.
Lastly, I just realized, as I sat to write this post, that I missed a deadline for CMO (Yikes!!) too much holiday time off, I suppose. So, as I toss and turn on the lumpy couch, I will be thinking of ideas to write and send off asap.
We have a new addition to our family, Muffin. He is my daughter's cat. She moved over the holidays (The Oldest, who lives in NJ) from one apartment to another, and she cannot have her cat in the new place due to allergies. Therefore, her Muffin came home to live with us, and his Mommy cat and sister cat. It is not going terribly well, yet. It was not a spectacular family reunion, I guess cats are less sentimental than we humans are!
My sister gave birth to a baby boy between Christmas and New Year's Eve. He has been in NICU with a collapsed lung since he was a few hours old. Please pray for my new baby nephew.
We have had some lovely holiday celebrations since my last posting. We had a good friend in for Christmas dinner. Christmas brunch was with our family, and the grandparents stopped in to see the children. New Year's Eve had us with neighbors. My children all stayed overnight, and we had a great time with our dear friends.
Now I will be up cat-sitting a lonely little kitty who misses his mommy, my oldest daughter. I will be on the couch with the cat, so he does not have to be alone while he adjusts to our busy life. Going from living with the Oldest in her apartment, to living in a house with 7 people, 2 other cats and a dog is pretty traumatic. He is doing pretty well, but I do not want to leave him unattended for both his comfort and safety.
I have been reading some fabulous books, and am in the process of re-reading Austen (I love her!) so I hope to get back to the book blog posts soon.
Lastly, I just realized, as I sat to write this post, that I missed a deadline for CMO (Yikes!!) too much holiday time off, I suppose. So, as I toss and turn on the lumpy couch, I will be thinking of ideas to write and send off asap.
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