In particular, today:
1. Anna, 14 months old, who has an annular pancreas, and had corrective surgery on the 20th. She is still in the hospital. Go see her parents' blog and leave them some love and prayers.
2. Affectionately called Monster by his mother on her blog, is a young man who has endured so much in his 19 years. He is doing well now, and they are adjusting to a "new normal" as she calls it. Prayers for the family.
3. Mary Katherine, the baby I spoke of here, and her family. While she is not sick, she has left a hole in the hearts of her family. They do not have a blog, so I have no link to offer aside from the one where I spoke of how she touched me. Please remember this family, and their sweet baby, in your prayers.
Also, a parent's heart suffers when they are the one with the illness.
1. I remember speaking with someone who was only an acquaintance of mine a few years ago. Always a health and fitness nut, she was surprised to learn she had developed lung cancer. I do not know her story, I do not know if she had any unusual exposure, or if she had been a smoker herself, though my impression was she had not been. What I do know is she shared with me how sad she was that her girls were "older, but still very young." At the time her daughter and mine were in the early high school years, and she had one daughter in college. She knew she would not see either girl graduate from their current schools, grow to be married, meet her grandchildren, grow old with her husband. She passed away about two years ago, and her words have stayed with me. Please remember Midge in your prayers today.
2. Sweet Mary. She has two blogs: Mary Bennett and The Big C-Catholic, Cancer, Cured.
She is a mother, wife, and she is waging a full war against cancer. She has been struggling but keeps up a brave face for all of us, I think she does not tell us all she is going through, therefore, we must pray harder for her mommy's heart, her health, and her full recovery. Please stop by and visit her, strengthen her with your prayers.
And for those not mentioned here, or not known to me, please remember all the parents suffering, in one way or another, with health issues. Whether it be their own, or their child's illness, a parent always worries about the effects on the health of their child (ren).
At times like these, when a parent's heart is worried, I turn to the Blessed Mother for comfort. Who, better than she, understands the suffering of a momma's heart? She who lost her only son, raised him knowing what his obligations were, and still did as she was asked by Our Lord. She knows the suffering of a parent all too well, therefore, I fly to her protection when the parent in me is needing comfort and reassurance.
Prayer in Honor of the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Most holy and afflicted Virgin,
Queen of Martyrs,
you stood beneath the cross,
witnessing the agony of your dying Son.
Look with a mother's tenderness and pity on me,
who kneel before you.
I venerate your sorrows
and I place my requests
with filial confidence
in the sanctuary of your wounded heart.
Present them, I beseech you,
on my behalf to Jesus Christ,
through the merits of His own most sacred passion and
together with your sufferings obtain the granting of my petition.
To whom shall I have recourse in my wants and miseries
if not to you, Mother of Mercy?
You have drunk so deeply of the chalice of your Son,
you can compassionate our sorrows.
Holy Mather, your soul was pierced
by a sword of sorrow
at the sight of the passion of your Divine Son.
Intercede for me and obtain for me from our Lord
(State your intention here....)
it it be for His honor and glory,
and for my good.
This post is linked with Fearless Friday.
amen amen amen..Thank you Lily for this prayer. It brought tears to my eyes as I prayed. I'm off to visit the links that you have shared and will be praying.
Joining you in prayer for all these intentions; for the little ones and their parents.
As I am a mother myself, I don't know what I would do if my Andrew ever got seriously ill.
God bless.
Thank you, ladies! The thought of a sick child can be paralyzing. If you go to Anna's page, that brought back a lot of memories for me. One of my children was hospitalized twice before her first birthday. Another one was two years old and had a procedure done requiring general anesthetic. The image of her looking like Anna in that one picture, asleep with wires, has never left me. Neither has how I felt at the time. My little girl is okay now, it is just a memory, but one that will always bring tears to my eyes, as did all of these prayer intentions today.
God has given me a profound compassion for the heart of a mother. I know all too well what it is to cry out on behalf of a child, even if not exactly involving a physical illness but interceding for their soul.
Thank you for praying and sharing.
I give my prayer support for all the intentions you mentioned.
And thank you Lily, for your comment on my post. I feel for you when you told about almost losing your home. I believe, as you do, to trust God more with the circumstances that we cannot control. God bless you. ginny
TYhanks so much for my note on wednesday.. Its always such a blessing to see one from you..
As you lean on Him,, may you know Blessings and Love from Our Sweet Savior above ~~~
Love & Hugs~~~Dena
I will pray for those you have mentioned .
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.
God Bless You :-)
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