My charming 6yo baby was watching the film with me while everyone else was out at soccer practice. Her tee-ball game was canceled for rain, but we all know soccer is never canceled. In the film, Felicity's mother is expecting. Of course this is in 1775/6 so things were handled a little differently at that time. The mommy nearly dies in a homebirth, but since this is a family film, it is only briefly touched upon.
After the film my sweet daughter comes up to me all concerned and asks what was wrong with the mommy in that movie. I told her she had a hard time when she had her baby. Missy was entirely alarmed. Was it like that for you, Mommy? Did you have a hard time with me? No dear, I was fine. With any of us? No dear, not with any of you. (We have six children.) She thinks some more. When I have a baby, will I have a hard time? No, I'm sure you will be fine like Mommy. Is it hard having a baby? Does the baby come out of the tummy like the horse did? (forgot to mention a horse also gives birth in the film) Yes, but Mommies today usually let the doctor help. At this point my little girl lifts up her shirt to examine her belly. How big am I going to get when I have a baby? Will my tummy be out to here? Or here? Or here? Oh my, it's hard to say, Missy, you will have to be a grown up first, and married. Well were you fat? Uh, Missy? Did I just hear the dog? I think she wants to go outside and play, why don't you go let her out.
It must be the age - a few days ago, my 6 year old made me a card. On the inside it said, "Do you want to be a grandma?" I asked her why and she happily lifted up her shirt, pointed to her belly and said, "I have a baby in here!" while beaming with pride.
"Please," I thought, "Don't let this be an omen for 10 years from now!!!"
LOL, six years old is a delightful age. They have all these big thoughts and are forming opinions on things, but most of the time they do not really know what they are talking about. It is so very entertaining!!!
LOL!!! So cute! NO OMENS!!! LOL!!
What a sweet kid! I'll have to check out that movie with my girls.
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